Thursday, August 16, 2007

The last thing any baby'd want, would be to have their sweets taken away from them. Same goes here.

Poem: [ acrimonioous] ps. it does not rhyme.

teachers, our model examples,
teaching us moral values,
dicipline, graciousness and integrity.

matured, sensible and controlled.

is this the case?
I dont think so.

teachers- immature in thought,
who thought they could understand us.

good grief.

teachers who cross boundaries, does not UNDERSTAND us-
confiscating items, totally irrelevant.

teachers blowing things out of proportion.
thinking that they always correct,-
that students are always in the wrong.

who think that they have all the control in the world.
as though they own us.

teachers, who always want us to understand THEM.
seeking our approval for lessons, and such.

reverse psychology or what?