alex. I know its the wrong time to blog. But I have no choice.
I am plagued with so many issues. They keep coming. And they don't stop. What am I to do? Its like the reversed way. instead of me telling my problems. Disturbed, yes, very. then what. The issues end with me? I'm the final issue acceptor -.- other people might have their own problems but at least they do not have to bother about them. Its none of their business. But no, I'm part of that business I don't want to run. I guess I'm going alone this wed, then another time, alone. Wished I had a twin who could accompany me and share my worries. Totally in sync and we do not have to Quarrell. unfortunately life is such that its unfair and we're meant to suffer. If not we would alr be up in heaven. -.- alex, wished I could live in ur house with robin. I know u and her have issues but at least its not ur fault. Most of the time. (: then we will not worry about not having enough money. you could run with me. Feed the fishes together. (: you too are plagued with problems, more difficult ones. But u solve them somehow. Can you do that for me please? ): immortalize yourself and appear.
Lots of love forever!