yo. to all the ravers out there. HIXXY is the best. (: for remixing that is. like the song game zaboocon. it rules. ultimate cute like pacman!! the song now that i found you is quite nice too. listening to it now. (:
like having a club going on in my head just that minused all the noisy people and drinks. alex and jack, u like club music too? i dont know actually. but junichi, i know u like jazz., like piano jazz Midori plays. u love her dont you? yeah i know. (: i think she would know that and not just forget you. dont worry.
i didnt know darren styles is like 30 plus years old. thats so old. ): his songs are like nice.but a bit emo. what i like is getting better. damn hardcore. like the beats are TOTALLY FAT. fat fat fat. hixxy gives a nice atmosphere. go youtube it. really. the atmosphere is like surround. and soothing. in a house mix way. nice nice. but there are some really weird songs.like some beatboxing at the background. i dont quite like those cuz the atmosphere is lost. yeah. i dont think rap is really fit for techno? but thats an opinion only (;
but throughout the clubland tunes, the common thing among them is that they have this steady beat. in the normal tunes. but for those xceptional ones, they have the varied background. then there comes this part when it starts to solo the background tune. REMIXED. uber cool. (: then its like so smoky. and i love remixes of the same song. like disturbia? i guess ive heard at least 15 of them. on piano included. i have tried it out actually. quite fun. try the piano cover. like playing over the song. its such a challenge and sometimes you try to hum along and the music loses you. so u lose the piano too!! hah so funny.
actualy many people dont like club tunes cuz i think its noisy to them and the atmosphere sounds like noise. but thats okay actually. i think ppl like my mum like music where there is no electronic beats and its not so structured. like theres room for expression. i think thats why ppl love other kind of music. (:
u know? those classical tunes like vivaldi- I LOVE!! its rather extreme. i know (; but thats weird cuz i play the piano. so its like both sides exposed. haha im raving at this age. i think i can open a club in my house with the collection of songs i have. jkjk. i dont have the $$ haha. (:
ive been trying to find the clubland xtreme hardcore 5 cd. but have failed repeatedly. i know if i go overseas i can probably find this. but like in that cd shop, hmv, sembawang- all dont have stocks of that. well. i think its probably marketed in the us or europe i guess. lucky them.
like i know most of the clubland tunes are MINT and choon. so like finding outside cds which are allegedly dance is futile. (: haha high standards clubland sets.
dont know what ill be doing tomorrow. mayb go onto the com and blog again? mayb ill switch subjects tomoro. talk about kimmidolls? haha. or pineapple tarts? since cny is coming.
i love the smell of my brother. @#$ nice. the baby smell. mmm.
gtg now.
love lots,
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